Political Contributions

Global Government Affairs & Policy (GGA&P)

Amgen recognizes the importance of sound public policy in supporting our mission of serving patients by helping to ensure that patients have access to needed therapies.  It is appropriate for companies like Amgen to participate constructively in the United States political process to help inform debate around healthcare policy including ideas like biotechnology innovation, patient access to new and existing treatments, protection of intellectual property and tax policy.

Amgen's Global Government Affairs & Policy (GGA&P) team participates in the public policy debate primarily by communicating information and engaging with elected officials and other policy makers in Washington, D.C. and in state capitols around the country. Amgen employs internal and outside experts to assist our advocacy and policy analysis activities.

Amgen has strict internal policies that oversee interactions between Amgen staff and government officials. Amgen and other entities are required to register and report federal lobbying activities to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Secretary of the U.S. Senate. All relevant Amgen staff and outside firms are also required to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) and Honest Leadership and Open Government Act. (You can view Amgen's lobbying disclosure data here). These reported expenditures include the portion of Amgen's trade association dues used for lobbying.

Additional lobby disclosure rules often apply at the state and sometimes local levels, and Amgen has implemented internal policies regarding compliance with all applicable laws. The Corporate Responsibility and Compliance Committee of the Amgen Board of Directors has oversight of Amgen's GGA&P work.

Amgen posts on an annual basis a list of all states where we file lobby reports and, to the extent available, either links to the reports filed with each state or links to state websites where such information can be found. Our most current report containing such information can be found here.

Political Contributions – The Amgen PAC

While federal law generally prohibits companies from making direct contributions in federal elections and some states have similar laws, corporations are permitted to sponsor Political Action Committees (PACs) for their executive and administrative personnel.  Amgen administers an employee-funded PAC that participates in the political process by making contributions to federal and state political candidates and committees. The Amgen PAC supports candidates from both parties and decisions regarding who the PAC supports are made with Amgen's best interests in mind and without regard for the personal political preferences of members of Amgen's Board of Directors or PAC Board, executives or GGA&P staff.  The Amgen PAC Board, comprised of ten employees, has oversight of all PAC activities and represents a diverse cross-section of backgrounds and functional areas within the company.

Amgen is committed to operating the PAC in accordance with all federal laws and regulations that govern activities of political action committees. The Corporate Responsibility and Compliance Committee annually reviews Amgen's policies, practices, and philosophy for making political contributions. All PAC activity is also audited by a third-party firm on a regular basis.

All PAC disbursements are publicly disclosed on a monthly basis and available on the website of the Federal Election Commission and on a semi-annual basis via the disclosure reports below.

Political Contributions - Corporate Political Spending

While generally impermissible at the federal level, some states permit direct corporate political contributions to candidates running for state or local elected offices. Under certain circumstances, Amgen may also contribute to other state-level political committees. Amgen is committed to complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations that govern such contributions. Similar to PAC contributions, Amgen supports state candidates who share the company's perspective on public policies that impact our ability to innovate and serve patients.

Since 2007, corporate political contributions have been disclosed on a semi-annual basis via the reports posted below.

Transparency Around Political Contributions

To improve access to information about Amgen's political contributions in the United States, Amgen posts, on a semi-annual basis, our contributions categorized by state, candidate, and amount.

At this time, Amgen has not made federal Independent Expenditures (IEs) on behalf of candidates running for federal office under the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United.

Reports containing our political contributions can be found at the following links:

January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024


In addition to the company's own political activity, Amgen also maintains memberships in trade associations that report lobbying activity to the U.S. government. Amgen is committed to supporting trade associations that champion scientific innovation and patient access to new and existing therapies. A table that identifies each U.S. trade association that received at least $50,000 in dues payments from Amgen during 2023 and the portion of those payments identified by the trade association as being used for lobbying expenditures is listed below.


2023 Contributions Toward Lobbying

Quarter Paid

Amgen Priority Policies

Alignment With Mission to Serve Patients

Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)


Q1, Q3

Pricing, Access to Medicines, Innovation, Intellectual Property

Substantial Alignment

Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)


Q3, Q4

Pricing, Access to Medicines, Innovation, Intellectual Property

Substantial Alignment

Healthcare Leadership Council



Accessible Quality Healthcare, Innovation

Substantial Alignment

US Chamber of Commerce



Competition and pricing, Intellectual Property

Substantial Alignment

California Life Sciences



Pricing, Access to Medicines, Innovation, Intellectual Property

Substantial Alignment




Regulatory Diagnostic Policy

Substantial Alignment

International Government Affairs

Outside the United States, rules governing interactions with policy makers vary by country. Amgen implemented internal policies regarding compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in countries where relevant interactions with policy makers occur, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).